Riding With The Nitos Group Again

First of all, a word of explanation as to why there has been no mention of the Nitos Ciclistas En Movimiento mountain bike club on this web site the past many months.  Nitos got started about four years ago and quickly developed a reputation for regular Sunday morning rides. Their outings were announced on the club’s Facebook page on Saturday and typically attracted twenty or more riders each week. Then suddenly, in February of 2017, no more Facebook postings appeared. Some feared the club had disbanded. It turns out, though, the group was using a different Facebook page — one this author was not aware of. So for the past year I have been missing out on a host of fun rides. Finally, a friend clued me in on what had happened. Now I know to check this address to be advised of Nitos’ rides:  https://www.facebook.com/nitosoaxaca/

So here it is a bright Sunday morning in Oaxaca in early April and the Nitos group is planning a ride from el centro to the presa near Teotitlan del Valle and back. Twenty-four eager cyclists are gathered at 8 am in front of the church of Santo Domingo. After some gentle warm-up exercises, the band mounts up and takes the bike lane to Tule, then heads cross-country on dirt roads through Lachigoló, Tlacochahuaya and Macuilxochil on the way to Teotitlan. The group is a good mix of men and women, ranging in age from mid-teens to mid-70’s, with most riders comfortably in their 20’s and 30’s. The leaders set a moderate pace, with frequent brief stops to let the slower riders catch up. The terrain in the Tlacolula Valley is pretty flat, with an elevation gain and loss of little more than 500 feet (152 meters) so the pedaling is easy. The riders cover the 20 miles (32 kms) to Teotitlan in about three hours, then stop for lunch at the picnic area just recently built on the shore of the lake. The return to Oaxaca is even easier, as it flows gently downhill almost all the way. 

What do YOU think?