Almost ten years ago to the day this author first rode along the abandoned railroad line connecting Oaxaca with Tlacolula and points beyond. In 2014 the Nitos Ciclistas En Movimiento bike club regularly attracted a good many cyclists for their weekly Sunday rides. There were about twenty participants in the ride on 11 May. Sadly, the club went into hibernation during the Covid pandemic of 2020-2021 and has never regained its former strength. Today’s excursion followed almost the identical route, but went counter-clockwise this time. What was noticably different was the change in the trail from the ruins of Dainzu to Tlacolula. In 2014 it was a barely visible, thorn infested track; now it is in regular use by all sorts of vehicles. Still, two bikers got flat tires today where the gang in 2014 had eight punctures. There were thirteen participants in the group – nine natives and four gringos. The stats for the day are: 74.3 km (46.2 miles) traveled, with an elevation gain and loss of 275 meters (902 feet).