Over The Top, Down And Around

This classic ride takes one on a grand circle up and over the mountains which form the western wall of the Valley of Oaxaca. It is not for the faint of heart, as there is over 1500 meters (5000 feet) of climbing along the route, which stretches for 88.7 kilometers (55.1 miles). Someone with stout legs and lungs – or riding an ebike – can accomplish the loop in five or six hours time. The loop can be ridden equally well in either direction.

Hills of San Felipe

There is a network of newly made roads and older bike trails in the hills above San Felipe de Agua, all accessed from the never-finished Libramiento Norte. This was a favorite playground of local mountain bikers until about 2020 when property owners began stringing fences, putting up gates and declaring the area off limits for recreation. Paradoxically, as new homes were built on the mountainside it was necessary to widen and grade the unpaved roads and the chains strung across the road had to be lowered to allow for traffic. Consequently the area is perhaps more accessible now than before. In any case, it is still a joy to ride in the hills so close to Oaxaca.

Tlacolula Two

Almost ten years ago to the day this author first rode along the abandoned railroad line connecting Oaxaca with Tlacolula and points beyond. In 2014 the Nitos Ciclistas En Movimiento bike club regularly attracted a good many cyclists for their weekly Sunday rides. There were about twenty participants in the ride on 11 May. Sadly, the club went into hibernation during the Covid pandemic of 2020-2021 and has never regained its former strength. Today’s excursion followed almost the identical route, but went counter-clockwise this time. What was noticably different was the change in the trail from the ruins of Dainzu to Tlacolula. In 2014 it was a barely visible, thorn infested track; now it is in regular use by all sorts of vehicles. Still, two bikers got flat tires today where the gang in 2014 had eight punctures. There were thirteen participants in the group – nine natives and four gringos. The stats for the day are: 74.3 km (46.2 miles) traveled, with an elevation gain and loss of 275 meters (902 feet).

Magdalena / Catalina Mixtepec Loop

If you are looking for a high-country ride to enjoy mountain scenery and escape the heat of the Oaxaca valley, this loop through Magdalena Mixtepec and Santa Catalina Mixtepec may be just the ticket. These two small villages are tucked into steep mountain valleys about midway between Zaachila and San Miguel Peras. A shuttle takes bikes and riders to the intersection where the unpaved road to Magdalena branches off from the paved road between Santa Inez del Monte and San Miguel. The shuttle drive takes 90 minutes each way from Oaxaca. The ride itself utilizes a combination of paved and dirt roads and covers a distance of 35.4 km (22.0 miles), with an elevation gain and loss of 1094 meters (3590 feet). The various roads generally have a gradient of between 8% and 12% – not too strenuous until you reckon the uphill segments run for miles at a time. The highest point on the route is 2822 meters (9258 feet) and the lowest spot registers 1841 meters (6041 feet). Expect to spend about 4.5 hours completing the loop.

San Antonio Buena Vista

This small village nestled in a quiet corner of the Tlocolula valley is completely unpretentious and seldom seen – except by mountain bikers looking for some out-of-the-way place to visit on a pleasant ride from Oaxaca city. The route to and from may vary slightly from time to time, and in any case is quite similar to other ventures into this part of the Central Valley of Oaxaca. The figures for today’s excursion are: 63.9 km (39.7 miles) traveled, with 319 meters (1048 feet) of elevation gain and loss.