The rural village of Jalapa del Valle, situated in the valley of the Rio Jalapilla some 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) west of Oaxaca city, is a favorite destination for many a solo or group bike ride. Few cyclists, though, climb the steep, rocky and eroded logging road that runs from Jalapa to the top of the mountain ridge demarcating the edge of the Valley of Oaxaca. That is what this post is about. The map below shows the trail one way from the center of Jalapa to almost the top of that ridge, so the round trip distance comes to 15.7 kilometers (9.8 miles). The elevation gain and loss remains at 648 meters (2127 feet). This is a serious and unrelenting uphill challenge, made more difficult by the poor condition of the road, which is strewn with loose rubble and gouged by erosion. Going back down – though much faster than the climb – is no picnic, either. The gradient varies between 12% and 16% much of the way, so your brakes get a good workout, as does your ability to pick a good line through the many water channels cut across the trail. The dedicated cyclist who ventures this way has the option of riding the entire distance from Oaxaca or using a shuttle to start the ride in Jalapa del Valle.