This is the fourth in a series of weekday rides exploring the little-used back roads and trails in the hills to the west of the Mexico cuota some 20-40 kilometers (12 to 24 miles) north-northwest of Oaxaca. The town of Matadamas was the jumping off point for today’s excursion. Similar expeditions have departed from San Andrés Zautla, Santa Cruz Lachixolana and Santiago Suchilquitongo. All offer a generous amount of hill climbing in the midst of great scenery. All of these routes can be accessed on rides originating in Oaxaca as well as by using a shuttle to the designated starting points. This particular outing was a short one of 23.8 kms (14.8 miles) that lasted just 2.5 hours. It could well have been extended by riding more of the trails that crisscross the area. Be advised, though, that accessing these trails can be difficult. When looking out from the top of a ridge, one can see a number of trails off in the distance, but finding and following them is challenging, as many wind up dead-ending in a farmer’s field. Nevertheless, this is a great area for riders with a whimsical spirit of adventure.