Our Sunday ride group tries to go in a different direction each week. Even so, there are only so many directions and a limited number of routes and trails. Consequently it is inevitable that often rides duplicate some that have gone before. So it was this bright Sunday in late September. Five cyclists showed up at the appointed time and place, eager to get out into the countryside and away from the city. Our destination: the statue of the Danzante near Zimatlan. Normally September is the wettest month of the rainy season, which historically begins in June and runs through October. This year, however, regular and heavy rains commenced in early April and thus far September has been dry. That anomaly may be a result of climate change. In any case it is a concern for local farmers, whose fields of corn are drying out too early for harvest. As for our bikers, the sunshine was welcome and it was nice to ride country roads not mired in mud and to cross creeks which carried little water. Weather aside, the gang enjoyed the outing, which covered 58.4 kilometers (36.3 miles) with a modest 191 meters (627 feet) of elevation gain and loss. Time on the road was an even five hours, counting time spent at the mercado gastronomico in Zaachila on the final leg of the day’s ride.

with a headdress and leggings like these . . .