Category: MTBing

Items related to actual riding of mountain bikes.

Outing – 2012-10-22 Ride (CM in Trouble)

Today’s ride was quick run of Trails TTT, RR, Es, ED, A and CM (~14km). The wild flowers are blooming all over, big areas of what appear to be wild marigolds/chrysanthemums? casting the trailside in yellows, oranges and golds. Other flowers of purple, red and white mixed in for good measure.

Here are some (lousy) photos.


Also, Trail CM is getting some “work” done on it. I.e. a bulldozer was working the eastern side of the singletrack section turning it into a “road.” Also, at one of the creekcrossings somebody has excavated a trench across the road, clearing out the rainy season’s sediment and plopping the excavated dirt across the road on the western side of the trench. It looks like a bridge may be coming, but for now, it’s a hike-a-bike section. Both of these trail issues are noted with placemarks/waypoints on the map below.

Outing – 2012-10-15 Ride (aka Self Medicating)

So Larry and I (Deron) had the pleasure of introducing a new gringo to Oaxaca to the pleasure of mountain biking here. Steve (and his lovely family) hail from the USA (state of Montana) and like many from that state, enjoy spending time in the great outdoors…wherever they may be.

Larry and I thought the “Doctor’s Orders” ride would be a good introduction for a physically-fit, (road) cycling guy like Steve. Since it has been over half a year since I’ve done this nice, rolling cross-country loop, we ended up doing a little different than when we were introduced to it by Dr. Z (due to a bit of confusion of where the hell we were supposed to turn at some junctions). Steve had no problem keeping up with us so the only person I can blame for us not having enough time to include Trail CNP (Calle a Ninguna Parte (Road to Nowhere)) is me. 🙂

Here’s a map of today’s outing (yellow) including the track from the original Doctor’s Orders ride back in 2011-12-21 (magenta).

Note that the elevation plot and distance value above are for BOTH outings.  Today’s  distance was 26.7km.  For hands-on fun with the GPS data, download the KML file (using the link next to the elevation plot above) or the raw GPX data, here.


Outing – Larry’s DAM Ride

This ride is a longer variation of another ride listed here – that going to Santo Domingo Tomaltepec. The route shown below uses San Felipe as the start / end point, rather than the Krotalus Bike Shop. Also, the return follows a different route, going through the villages of Tlalixtac and Huayapam. Consequenlty, this ride is 30.5 miles (49 km) long and has an elevation gain & loss of 2427 feet (740 meters) along the way. Nevertheless, it is every bit as much fun as the shorter version.

Be aware that on the upper reaches of the trail at the far end of the ride there are fourteen stream crossings. You and your bike are guaranteed to get wet. Caution!  There is a large difference in the depth, width and speed of the water in the stream between the dry and the rainy season! Where the water may be only a couple of inches deep in the winter months, it may be a foot or more deep in the summertime. The  stream bed is stable and rideable even in summer, but proceed with caution and use good sense. Of course, you can simply turn around when you get to the first water crossing. It’s still a great outing, and you stay dry for the ride home!