Category: Foothills

Trail CNP

Trail CNP (Carretera a Ninguna Parte (Road to Nowhere)) is a dirt road that climbs the hill and turns into a singletrack trail that follow the contour line for a short distance before turning back into dirt road headed back downhill. Boring but good for some climbing exercise and a better view of ciudad Oaxaca de Juarez. This track follows the dirt road on both sides but there are some shortcutting pathways on the west side’s switchbacks that may be more challenging then the dirt road itself.

Trail Parameters
Trail Type: Trail
Trail Tread: Doubletrack
IMBA Trail Rating: Green Circle – Easy
Trail Length (km): 4.00
Trail Total Ascent (m): 205
Trail Total Descent (m): 143
Trail Maximum Elevation (m): 1854
Trail Minimum Elevation (m): 1652
Average Grade (%): 1.6
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Trail CDT

Trail CDT (Cuerno de Toro (Bullhorn)) is a short, gently-sloped, open singletrack path that runs along a creek to provide a more interesting shortcut from Road LNR (Libramiento Norte Road) to (the east side of) Trail TTT. This track maps the path on the east side of the creek but there are several paths twisting about each other along the creek, some of which cross the creek. There is also a Trail CDT entrance/exit on the west side of the creek on Road LNR for the pathways on the west side.

Trail Parameters
Trail Type: Trail
Trail Tread: Singletrack
IMBA Trail Rating: Green Circle – Easy
Trail Length (km): 0.32
Trail Total Ascent (m): 15
Trail Total Descent (m): 0
Trail Maximum Elevation (m): 1738
Trail Minimum Elevation (m): 1723
Average Grade (%): 4.8
Use the “Download” link in the map above to retrieve a copy of the KML/Z file for your own uses. E.g. viewing in GoogleEarth, loading to your GPS-enabled device).
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Trail CDE

Trail CDE (Carretera Donaji Entrada (Donaji Entry Road)) is a 9% grade dirt road, out-and-back (at least until somebody maps something beyond its northern end). It ends as a road with two singletrack trails (Codenames _CDESingles – UNKNOWN TRAILS 2 & 3), one of which has been partially mapped but wasn’t yet found worthy of being turned into a refined trail. In short, Trail CDE is a nice way to add some non-technical climbing & descending if riding in the area. E.g. good for helping beginners get some mountain biking “legs” without singletrack or much technical.

Trail Parameters
Trail Type: Trail
Trail Tread: Dirt Road
IMBA Trail Rating: Green Circle – Easy
Trail Length (km): 2.40
Trail Total Ascent (m): 213
Trail Total Descent (m): 2
Trail Maximum Elevation (m): 2000
Trail Minimum Elevation (m): 1788
Average Grade (%): 8.9
Use the “Download” link in the map above to retrieve a copy of the KML/Z file for your own uses. E.g. viewing in GoogleEarth, loading to your GPS-enabled device).
Or, click here to examine this trail and its components in greater detail in GoogleMaps.

Trail CC

Trail CC (Cava Cagarruta (Cow Crap)) is a tracking of part of a hike and only part of this track is ridable by mountain bike. Moving from east to west it gets less and less rideable. It has a tiny bit of ridable singletrack near the east side as it leaves Trail UHAR (Upper Huayapam Access Road) heading west. It then becomes a dirtroad/jeep trail with a few intersections with other similar type roads (fireroads?) before it turns into a hiking-only trail used to access the assorted peaks around the San Felipe peak.

Trail Parameters
Trail Type: Trail
Trail Tread: Mixed
IMBA Trail Rating: Green Circle – Easy
Trail Length (km): 4.70
Trail Total Ascent (m): 336
Trail Total Descent (m): 186
Trail Maximum Elevation (m): 3223
Trail Minimum Elevation (m): 2983
Average Grade (%): 3.2
Use the “Download” link in the map above to retrieve a copy of the KML/Z file for your own uses. E.g. viewing in GoogleEarth, loading to your GPS-enabled device).
Or, click here to examine this trail and its components in greater detail in GoogleMaps.

Trail C

Trail C (Coctelera (Cocktail Shaker)) is a long, extremely rutted and rock-strewn downhill. Tasty! Use Trail HFR (High Flyer Ridge) and then Trail BK (Burro Kong (Donkey Kong)) to get to the top of Trail C. It doesn’t conspicously connect to the junction of Trail BK + PAP so it can be difficult to find the top of this technical downhill. You may have to scout around to the west below the map-drawn junction of BK + C + PAP, but trust us, it’s there and it’s worth it if you like technical downhills.

From the bottom of Trail C (in the town of Viguera) return to the area near the west end of Trail HFR using Road LNR or Trail VV (Easy versus More Difficult, respectively).

Visit for Oaxaca, Mexico MTB trails, related details and helpful information.

Trail Parameters
Trail Type: Trail
Trail Tread: Singletrack
IMBA Trail Rating: Black Diamond – Very Difficult
Trail Length (km): 4.00
Trail Total Ascent (m): 7
Trail Total Descent (m): 497
Trail Maximum Elevation (m): 2131
Trail Minimum Elevation (m): 1641
Average Grade (%): -12.3
Use the “Download” link in the map above to retrieve a copy of the KML/Z file for your own uses. E.g. viewing in GoogleEarth, loading to your GPS-enabled device).
Or, click here to examine this trail and its components in greater detail in GoogleMaps.