Category: Countryside

San Felipe Tejalápam

There is not a lot to see or do in the small village of San Felipe Tejalápam, but its strategic location in the Etla valley a few miles northwest of Monte Alban means we often pass through on any of several different mountain bike rides in that region. Today’s excursion was a happy accident of circumstance. Heavy rains in the Valles Centrales in recent days severely limited where the group could ride while avoiding lots of mud and multiple crossings of surging streams. Our group of eight riders opted for a route that would use mostly paved roads, and Tejalápam fit the bill. Most of the group assembled in front of Santo Domingo while two additional riders joined in at the Plaza Bella shopping mall in Atzompa. We had a picture-perfect day for the outing, with clear skies, a light breeze and a forecast high of 24ºC (76ºF). All told, the gang pedaled 50 kilometers (31.1 miles), with an elevation gain and loss of 379 meters (1243 feet) along the way. Actual time in the saddle amounted to about 3.5 hours, but a stop for lunch at a rural comedor featuring roasted lamb added almost an hour to the time tally.

La Lobera

Whether as a destination in itself or as a waypoint on the climb to Santa Ines de Monte, Lobera is a popular point for Sunday riders on either mountain or road bikes. Heavy clouds and drizzle hovered over the Central Valley at sunrise on 22 August, but the sun broke through the overcast by the time the ride began at 9 am. Three fellows set off for this small village nestled on the lower slopes of the mountain ridge that forms the western rim of the Zimatlan valley to the south of Oaxaca city. Pedaling resolutely on a combination of paved streets and unpaved country lanes, the group reached Zaachila by 10 am and got to Lobera before 11 o’clock, passing a goodly number of fellow cyclists going either to or from the same destination. Our three musketeers stopped for breakfast at Sabor A Ti, a small comedor set in an avocado grove, on the way back to Oaxaca. A brief rain squall caused a second stop near Zaacchila, at which beer and tequila were used as thirst quenchers. Riders covered 55 kilometers (34.3 miles) on the day’s outing, managing to climb and descend about 341 meters (1120 feet) along the way.

Pedaling along.

Lower Mil Rios Ride

The downhill ride on the entire Mil Rios trail is an epic outing, but is a relative rarity because of the logistics of arranging a shuttle to transport bikes and riders to La Neveria high in the Sierra Norte. Much more accessible and popular is the out-and-back ride on the lower Mil Rios trail which runs several miles into a mountain valley outside of the town of Tlalixtac. This portion of the trail can easily be reached from Oaxaca. On this particular Sunday in August there were dozens of hikers and mountain bikers taking advantage of this route. The four riders in our little group were happy to be among them. From start to finish the ride covered 44.6 kilometers (27.7 miles) with an elevation gain and loss of about 488 meters (1600 feet).

A Ride In The Country

Nine people showed up for this ride in the country on the first Sunday of August in 2021. It was a perfect blue-sky morning with a pleasant temperature and a slight breeze. Two riders were newcomers to the group, one visiting from Atlanta, GA and the other from Salt Lake City, UT. Another came aboard his Brompton folding bike, which has seen extensive use traveling through several Mexican states.

Pedaling along city streets and then highway, the group covered the distance to Cuilapam in about half an hour. After a brief stop to view the ruins of the never-completed monastery there, the band proceeded out into the country, riding various dirt roads and at times cutting across meadows planted in tall grass. There was no particular destination for the day’s outing – we were just looking to enjoy some time in the saddle, content to explore the network of farm roads criss-crossing the hills. All told, the group covered 41.7 kms (25.9 miles), with an elevation gain and loss of about 462 meters (1516 feet). Total time on the ride came to just a bit over four hours.

A Favorite Loop Ride Revisited

This week’s Sunday ride saw our gringo group retrace the route of one of our best loop rides. After taking the paved bike path to Tule, we rode on through Rojas de Cuauhtemoc, Santa Rosa Buenavista and San Sebastian Teitipac before beginning the climb up and over the ridge of hills separating the Tlocolula and Zimatlan valleys. Up to this point the route was on relatively level ground and so the pedaling was easy. The trail over the hill, though, was gnarly and much steeper, making even the strongest riders dismount for some hike-a-biking. Once over the crest, though, it was a fun and fast descent into San Bartolo Coytepec and then an quick and easy ride back to Oaxaca. Ride participants covered 49.5 kms (30.9 miles) and gained and lost a total of 392 meters (1287 feet) in elevation on the circuit, which took just over four hours to complete. We encountered a dozen or more cyclists riding the loop in the opposite direction. It is a toss-up as to which direction is the easiest or best way to go.