The summer rainy season has begun in earnest in Oaxaca, and so the weatherman plays a deciding role in planning and executing rides. On this Sunday ride (19 June 2022) the goal was to pedal to Teotitlan and back. Three riders set out from Santo Domingo at 9 am, with the goal of passing through Tule, Tlacochahuaya, Dainzu and Macuilxochitl before reaching the turn-around point in Teotitlan. However, clouds building above the Sierra Norte suggested it would be wise to stop the ride at the ruins of Dainzu and head for home before things got wet. That turned out to be a good decision, as raindrops began to fall as our group wrapped up the ride. Of special note was the number and variety of bike riders on the trail today. We encountered nearly two hundred cyclists on our 4.5 hour outing, including a large group of sixty or so riders of all ages clustered in the zocalo in Tule. Upon inquiry, we learned the riders where from seven different clubs in Oaxaca. It was gratifying to see so many riders again after the hiatus in group rides caused by the pandemic.
Cyclists from seven different clubs in Oaxaca join forces for a large group ride.
Riders gather in the zocalo in Tule.