Author: Larry

Back To Jalapa del Valle

Sunday, 8 October 2023, dawned bright and crisp, holding the promise of being a great day for a mountain bike ride. Six of the usual suspects showed up at the plaza in front of Santo Domingo church at 8 am to begin a 70.8 kilometer (44 mile) round trip excursion to Jalapa del Valle. There are four different routes to choose from to accomplish this ride, ranging from easy to very difficult. Today’s riders chose the easy way, which is a few miles longer but avoids any serious hill climbs. Pedaling at a leisurely pace, the gang reached their destination at the three-hour mark and settled in for a nice brunch at the Rio Jalapilla restaurant a few miles upvalley from Jalapa. There were no surprises – either good or bad – to mark the day’s outing. All in all, a very pleasant trip!

Climbing The Wall

The rural village of Jalapa del Valle, situated in the valley of the Rio Jalapilla some 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) west of Oaxaca city, is a favorite destination for many a solo or group bike ride. Few cyclists, though, climb the steep, rocky and eroded logging road that runs from Jalapa to the top of the mountain ridge demarcating the edge of the Valley of Oaxaca. That is what this post is about. The map below shows the trail one way from the center of Jalapa to almost the top of that ridge, so the round trip distance comes to 15.7 kilometers (9.8 miles). The elevation gain and loss remains at 648 meters (2127 feet). This is a serious and unrelenting uphill challenge, made more difficult by the poor condition of the road, which is strewn with loose rubble and gouged by erosion. Going back down – though much faster than the climb – is no picnic, either. The gradient varies between 12% and 16% much of the way, so your brakes get a good workout, as does your ability to pick a good line through the many water channels cut across the trail. The dedicated cyclist who ventures this way has the option of riding the entire distance from Oaxaca or using a shuttle to start the ride in Jalapa del Valle.

Danzante of Zimatlan (Again!)

Our Sunday ride group tries to go in a different direction each week. Even so, there are only so many directions and a limited number of routes and trails. Consequently it is inevitable that often rides duplicate some that have gone before. So it was this bright Sunday in late September. Five cyclists showed up at the appointed time and place, eager to get out into the countryside and away from the city. Our destination: the statue of the Danzante near Zimatlan. Normally September is the wettest month of the rainy season, which historically begins in June and runs through October. This year, however, regular and heavy rains commenced in early April and thus far September has been dry. That anomaly may be a result of climate change. In any case it is a concern for local farmers, whose fields of corn are drying out too early for harvest. As for our bikers, the sunshine was welcome and it was nice to ride country roads not mired in mud and to cross creeks which carried little water. Weather aside, the gang enjoyed the outing, which covered 58.4 kilometers (36.3 miles) with a modest 191 meters (627 feet) of elevation gain and loss. Time on the road was an even five hours, counting time spent at the mercado gastronomico in Zaachila on the final leg of the day’s ride.

Tooling Around On A Tuesday

One of the great advantages of being a retiree is the ability to go riding on weekdays. Granted, vehicular traffic in Oaxaca is a nightmare any day but Sunday. However, if you can get out into the countryside – especially on dirt roads – and leave the city behind, then you escape the crush of cars and trucks, motorcycles and buses. On this particular ride the only traffic we encountered on the trail was woodcutters and their burros. Nice! The first objective on this Tuesday outing was to ride the Muñeca trail in the hills above Tlalixtac. From there riders descended a twisty single track to the valley floor, then pedaled to the two presas near Santo Domingo Tomaltepec, going as far up the valley as the road/trail allowed. When all was said and done, the three cyclists on today’s excursion traveled 56.2 kilometers (34.9 miles), with an elevation gain and loss of 791 meters (2595 feet). All in all, it was a great ride!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

People ride bikes for many reasons. Some need to get from one place to another, and a bike is a utilitarian way to accomplish this. Others climb on the saddle to get some exercise and fresh air. Then there are those who pedal about the countryside simply for enjoyment. Some of the best rides combine two or more of these objectives. Our informal Sunday ride group is bent on having fun, but with a “fresh air and exercise” component. Who can argue with that?! The excursion on 17 September was no exception. Seven riders assembled at the specified time and place, then set out for the presas in the valley above Santo Domingo Tomaltepec and points beyond. Three of the cyclists were first-time riders with the group, so there was a lot of information sharing before and during the ride. The lunch stop at the little comedor at Presa Mina afforded an opportunity not only to enjoy some delicious food but to let folks become better acquainted. A trail map, description and photos of this route – one of our favorite weekend outings – can be found elsewhere on both this HOME and the RIDES page of this website. Peruse those at your leisure, then get on your bike and hit the trail! You will have a lot of fun!