It is both a delight and a rare treat to discover a place in the Oaxaca valley never visited before. There have been innumerable rides to Jalapa del Valle in the course of more than a dozen years, using any of four different routes to get there. A wrong turn today, though, led us happily astray – into the hills around the tiny village of La Concepción. This revealed some beautiful scenery and significant hill climbs which made the day’s outing a charming adventure. La Concepción is a farming community with a patchwork of small fields dotting the landscape, most of which are tended by families using oxen to plow the steep terrain where corn is planted by hand. After visiting this charming place we continued on to Jalapa del Valle and than circled back to Oaxaca, covering 59.9 kms (37.2 miles) on the outing, which saw an elevation gain and loss of 726 meters (2382 feet). Skies were heavily overcast all day, with a couple of light rainshowers encountered in the last miles.