Where to ride next? That question looms large for those who have ridden the roads and trails around Oaxaca for many years. While there are any number of terrific rides to be had in the Valles Centrales, folks gets weary of repeating the same route over and over. One longs for the excitement and sense of adventure associated with exploring new territory. So on this Tuesday excursion a small group of friends set out for the archeological ruins atop a hill just outside the town of Suchilquitongo, which is located near Huitzo at the northwestern limit of the Valley of Oaxaca. The weather was perfect (as usual) for this fall outing in early October. Four riders set out with no set route, preferring to explore various byways leading in the direction of Huitzo. This resulted in a number of false turns and some backtracking along the way, but that only added to the sense of adventure. Eventually the group did reach Suchilquitongo and located the archeological site, which was comprised of the remains of a plaza, a ball court, and three temple mounts – all with a spectacular view of the surrounding countryside. Not wanting to simply retrace their outbound route, the gang continued to wander about in search of a new way back to Oaxaca. All told, the ride covered 80.6 kilometers (50.2 miles), with an elevation gain and loss of 536.8 meters (1761 feet) on the circuit.