Sunday, 31 July 2022 was (another) gorgeous day for a mountain bike ride. Our route was one of our favorites – a long loop from Oaxaca to San Felipe Tejalápam to San Andrés Ixtlahuaca and back to Oaxaca. We zig-zagged a bit and wound up crossing the same stream multiple times just past Tejalápam. There are at least three roads that snake over the ridge of hills separating San Felipe and San Andrés. We chose the longest because it was the least steep of the lot, though still a formidable climb. The Ixtalhuaca valley was especially beautiful, with the farm fields and hillsides a vibrant green. All told, we pedaled 50.9 kilometers (31.6 miles), with an elevation gain and loss of 493 meters (1618 feet). There were no mechanical problems or flat tires to mar the ride, which ran five hours from 9 am to 2 pm. The weather forecast was for rain in the Valles Centrales sometime after two o’clock, and we saw dark storm clouds developing along the Sierra Norte. Happily, we stayed dry – except for those stream crossings. Sorry, no one in the group took any photos along the way to share with you.