At noon on May 8 the sun is directly overhead in Oaxaca so objects cast no shadow to the side. In ancient times this was considered a propitious day to begin construction of a home or temple. Our Sunday bike group just happened to be at the old temple ruins in San Jose el Mogote on this very day and witnessed a ceremony marking the occasion. A small assembly of young people re-enacted a ritual of purification celebrating the event. Prayers and invocations were recited and the group – including our bikers – danced around the sacred circle. This was a wonderful and totally unexpected addition to an otherwise pleasant but ordinary ride.
A sacred circle was laid out atop the temple pyramid in Mogote on 8 May. The circle was adorned with flowers, fruit, grain and sea shells. Participants in the ritual were purified using incense, chants and the blowing of a conch.
Elaborate rattles were worn on the legs.
A giant conch sounded repeatedly.
Bikers in our group joined in the dancing around the sacred circle . . .
. . . to the beat of a drum . . .
. . . and the sound of rattles.
Meanwhile riders in two other Oaxaca clubs passed by the Mogote site.
which is a popular destination for Sunday outings.
Eventually it was time to get back in the saddle and pedal home.