Ride to Teotitlan

On this bright Sunday in mid-March a covey of twelve riders set out from Oaxaca for the town of Teotitlan del Valle, famous as a village of weavers. Presented with several options as to which route to take, the gang chose to keep to level terrain rather than do some hill climbs. So we stuck to back roads on the valley floor, pedaling through Tlalixtac and Santo Domingo Tomaltepec on the way to Tule, then continuing east to Tlacochahuaya and Dainzu before heading north through Macuilxotchitl and into Teotitlan. The group reached Teotitlan at noon, so a lunch stop was in order. Since Conchita’s restaurant was handy and offered tasty dishes at a reasonable price, the gang spent an hour there. The return to Oaxaca went quickly, as it was a gradual downhill slope all the way. Here are the day’s stats: Distance traveled – 63.4 kilometers (39.4 miles) Elevation gain and loss – 326 meters (1070 feet) Time elapsed – 6 hours.

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