An affable group of nine riders gathered at 9 am in front of the church of Santo Domingo this bright Sunday morning intent on doing a long loop ride through the countryside. Pedaling from Oaxaca to Cuilapam, the band stopped to see the ruins of the never-completed Dominican monastery there, then proceeded south and west on country lanes, eventually reaching La Lobera, our destination for the day. On the return journey we made a lengthy stop at the Sabor A Ti restaurant for a round of drinks and tasty lunch treats. After that, the gang continued on to Zaachila and thence back to Oaxaca. Ours was an especially loquacious bunch, as our GPS unit recorded 3.5 hours of pedaling and an equal amount of time chewing the fat! In any event, we covered 56.3 kilometers (35.0 miles) on the ride, gaining and losing 417 meters (1368 feet) in elevation on the circuit. A good time was had by all.
Bikers gather before the ride. The monastery ruins in Cuilapam are closed because of the pandemic,
but Uriel, an enterprising pre-teen, offered a good description of them.It was another glorious day to be out on a bike ride.
Lots of foot traffic on the road near La Lobera.
Some of the tasty and inexpensive dishes offered at Sabor A Ti. Riding through open country.