La Lobera

Whether as a destination in itself or as a waypoint on the climb to Santa Ines de Monte, Lobera is a popular point for Sunday riders on either mountain or road bikes. Heavy clouds and drizzle hovered over the Central Valley at sunrise on 22 August, but the sun broke through the overcast by the time the ride began at 9 am. Three fellows set off for this small village nestled on the lower slopes of the mountain ridge that forms the western rim of the Zimatlan valley to the south of Oaxaca city. Pedaling resolutely on a combination of paved streets and unpaved country lanes, the group reached Zaachila by 10 am and got to Lobera before 11 o’clock, passing a goodly number of fellow cyclists going either to or from the same destination. Our three musketeers stopped for breakfast at Sabor A Ti, a small comedor set in an avocado grove, on the way back to Oaxaca. A brief rain squall caused a second stop near Zaacchila, at which beer and tequila were used as thirst quenchers. Riders covered 55 kilometers (34.3 miles) on the day’s outing, managing to climb and descend about 341 meters (1120 feet) along the way.

Pedaling along.

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