For the past three weeks Tlaloc, the god of rain, had a stranglehold on the Valles Centrales. Oaxaca lay beneath heavy cloud cover for days on end. Residents could not see the top of Cerro San Felipe, let alone catch a glimpse of blue sky. Rain showers moved through the valley half a dozen times a day. The city received 11.0 centimeters (4.35 inches) of rain in the past six days. So it was a welcome surprise when Sunday morning brought sunshine at last! Today’s ride was laid out to minimize riding through mud. There are numerous ways to get to Huayapam while remaining either on paved roads or byways that have good drainage. Our riders managed to arrive there dry and unsplattered with mud. Pushing their luck, they then decided to check out the Los Molinos trail, a perennial favorite of hikers and mountain bikers alike. The first three-quarters of the distance to the ruins of the old water-powered grain mill was in great shape. Only in the final segment did the single track trail get mired in mud. From the mill the riders opted to cross a creek and climb to the nearby Hwy 175 so as to have dry pavement for the downhill ride back to the city. This outing was a test drive of sorts, as Ron M. was aboard his new Priority brand bike designed for bikepacking. The sturdy rig is equipped with an internal gear hub mounted inside the bottom bracket, is driven by a rubber belt rather than a chain and rolls on extra-wide 29 inch tires. Ron declared himself delighted with the bike at the end of the day’s ride.
Ron baptizes his new Priority backpacking bike in the stream
near the ruins of the old grain mill at the end of the Los Molinos trail.