Huitzo Hills Hike-a-Bike

In September of 2014 the Nitos Ciclistas en Movimiento club sponsored a Sunday ride in the hills northwest of Huitzo (see: Now, almost seven years later, this same route was the chosen venue for another Sunday outing. This time, though, there were only three riders in the group and they rode less than half the distance logged by the earlier band. Even so, it was a worthy ride, as the country road was just as steep – with some of the gradient registering 13.5% – and even more eroded than in 2014. Adding to the challenge was the fact the lead rider was seven years older and several pounds heavier than when he last pedaled this way. So, yes, there was more than the usual amount of hike-a-biking up the hills. As before, the small comedor just off the cuota to Mexico City offered cold drinks and a light lunch at the end of the ride.

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