Ride to Lobera

Seven cyclists set out from Oaxaca for a ride to Lobera and back on the second Sunday of April, 2021. The day dawned bright and clear, with a temperature of 54º F (12.2 º C) at sunrise and a forecast high temperature of 94º F (34.4º C) by 4 pm. Cloud cover was expected to develop through the afternoon, but no rain was predicted. There was no breeze to speak of to moderate the the heat, but it was still fine cycling weather. In fact, the band encountered eight other groups of bikers riding the paved road running from Zaachila to Lobera and beyond – half riding road bikes and the rest on mountain bikes. The map below shows the route followed, which covered 32 miles (51.5 kms) with an elevation gain and loss of 1268 feet (386 meters) along the way. An unexpected highlight of the outing was a stop at a small comedor tucked away in a grove of avocado trees called “Sabor A Ti” which offered excellent fare served by a very competent young staff. From start to finish, the ride lasted five hours, with riders getting back to town at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

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