If you are looking for a ride that will take you seriously out of the Oaxaca valley to a place where most of the inhabitants speak Mixteca, you might like this trek. The ride is entirely on a newly paved (in 2023) AMLO road that climbs steadily from San Felipe Tejalapam, going in a westerly direction up and over a ridge (high point 8027 feet at Recibimiento) and then dropping down to Santa Maria Peñoles. You are likely to encounter an equal number of pedestrians and vehicles along the way – which is to say, not many.
The total round trip distance is 31.0 miles (50.0 km), with an elevation gain and loss of 4335 feet (1321 meters). The highest point along the way is 8027 feet (2447 meters). It is a consistent uphill grind from San Felipe to where the road crosses over the ridgetop; then its downhill all the way to Santa Maria.
If you begin and end the ride at the Zocalo in Oaxaca city, the round trip distance jumps to 57.0 miles (91.7 km). Add another 7.0 miles (11.3 km) if your starting point is San Felipe del Agua.